Library CT.Category

Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Set Primitive Projections.
Set Universe Polymorphism.


The definition of category can be found in any introductory category theory text or on ncatlab.
The interesting thing to note is that objects here are values of the universe Type, morphisms are functions between those values, and the axioms are encoded as fields of the Category record and must be proven when a Category is created.
Record Category :=
  { ob : Type;
    mor : ob ob Type;
    comp : {a b c : ob}, mor a b mor b c mor a c;
    id : {a : ob}, mor a a;
    assoc : {a b c d : ob} (f : mor a b) (g : mor b c) (h : mor c d),
        comp f (comp g h) = comp (comp f g) h;
    assoc_sym : {a b c d : ob} (f : mor a b) (g : mor b c) (h : mor c d),
        comp (comp f g) h = comp f (comp g h);
    id_left : (a b : ob) (f : mor a b), comp id f = f;
    id_right : (a b : ob) (f : mor a b), comp f id = f

Bind Scope category_scope with Category.
Bind Scope morphism_scope with mor.
Bind Scope object_scope with ob.

Arguments mor {_} _ _, _ _ _.
Arguments comp {_ _ _ _} _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _.
Arguments ob {_}, _.

Arguments id {_ _}, {_} _, _ _.

Coercion ob : Category >-> Sortclass.