Library CT.Instance.NaturalTransformation.HCNaturalTransformation

Require Import CT.Category.
Require Import CT.Functor.
Require Import CT.NaturalTransformation.
Require Import CT.Instance.Functor.ComposeFunctor.

Horizontal Composition of Natural Transformations

From wikipedia:
Natural transformations also have a "horizontal composition". If η : F → G is a natural transformation between functors F,G : C → D and ε : J → K is a natural transformation between functors J,K : D → E, then the composition of functors allows a composition of natural transformations εη : JF → KG. This operation is also associative with identity, and the identity coincides with that for vertical composition.
Section HCNaturalTransformation.
  Context {C D E : Category} {F G : Functor C D} {J K : Functor D E}.
  Variable mu : NaturalTransformation F G.
  Variable epsilon : NaturalTransformation J K.
  Let JF := ComposeFunctor F J.
  Let KG := ComposeFunctor G K.

  Program Definition HCNaturalTransformation : NaturalTransformation JF KG :=
    {| nt_components :=
         fun X comp (nt_components J K epsilon (F_ob F X)) (F_mor K (nt_components F G mu X))
  Next Obligation.
    rewrite assoc.
    rewrite nt_commutes.
    rewrite assoc_sym.
    rewrite <- F_comp_law.
    rewrite nt_commutes.
    rewrite F_comp_law.
    rewrite assoc.
  Next Obligation.
    apply HCNaturalTransformation_obligation_1.
End HCNaturalTransformation.