Library CT.Algebra.Ring

Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Magma.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Monoid.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Semigroup.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Group.
Require Import CT.Algebra.AbelianGroup.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.


A ring is an abelian group together with a monoid whose multiplication is distributive under group addition.
Record Ring {T : Type} :=
  { group :> @AbelianGroup T;
    monoid :> @Monoid T;
    monoid_dist_over_group_l :
       a b c,
        mu monoid a (mu group b c) = mu group (mu monoid a b) (mu monoid a c);
    monoid_dist_over_group_r :
       a b c,
        mu monoid (mu group b c) a = mu group (mu monoid b a) (mu monoid c a)

Ring homomorphisms.

Ring homomorphisms preserve multiplicative identities and are homomorphisms for both the group and monoid structures within the ring.
It would be nice to piggyback off of MagmaHomomorphism some day, but this seems difficult(?).
Record RingHomomorphism {A B} (M : @Ring A) (N : @Ring B) :=
  { ring_hom : A B;
    ring_monoid_hom_law :
       (a b : A),
        ring_hom (mu (monoid M) a b) =
        mu (monoid N) (ring_hom a) (ring_hom b);
    ring_group_hom_law :
       (a b : A),
        ring_hom (mu (group M) a b) =
        mu (group N) (ring_hom a) (ring_hom b);
    ring_id_hom_law :
      ring_hom (one (monoid M)) = one (monoid N)

Composition of maps.

Program Definition ring_hom_composition
        {T U V : Type}
        {A : @Ring T}
        {B : @Ring U}
        {C : @Ring V}
        (map1 : RingHomomorphism A B)
        (map2 : RingHomomorphism B C) :
  RingHomomorphism A C :=
  {| ring_hom := fun a (ring_hom B C map2) ((ring_hom A B map1) a) |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite ring_monoid_hom_law0.
  rewrite ring_monoid_hom_law1.
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite ring_group_hom_law0.
  rewrite ring_group_hom_law1.
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite ring_id_hom_law0.

Equality of maps, assuming proof irrelevance.

Theorem ring_hom_eq : A B F G (N M : RingHomomorphism F G),
    @ring_hom A B F G N = @ring_hom A B F G M
    N = M.
  destruct N, M.
  simpl in ×.
  apply proof_irrelevance.
  apply proof_irrelevance.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Associativity of composition of maps.

Program Definition ring_hom_composition_assoc
        {T : Type}
        {A B C D : @Ring T}
        (f : RingHomomorphism A B)
        (g : RingHomomorphism B C)
        (h : RingHomomorphism C D) :
  ring_hom_composition f (ring_hom_composition g h) =
  ring_hom_composition (ring_hom_composition f g) h.
  destruct f, g, h.
  apply ring_hom_eq.

Identity map.

Program Definition ring_hom_id
        {A : Type}
        {M : @Ring A} :
  RingHomomorphism M M :=
  {| ring_hom := fun a a |}.