Library CT.Algebra.Monoid

Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Magma.
Require Import CT.Algebra.Semigroup.
Require Import FunctionalExtensionality.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.

Set Primitive Projections.

Record Monoid {T : Type} :=
  { semigroup :> @Semigroup T;
    one : T;
    monoid_left_one : x, semigroup.(magma).(mu) one x = x;
    monoid_right_one : x, semigroup.(magma).(mu) x one = x

Hint Resolve monoid_right_one.
Hint Resolve monoid_left_one.

Fixpoint mu_power {T : Type} (M : @Monoid T) (t : T) (n : nat) :=
  match n with
  | 0 ⇒ one M
  | S nmu M t (mu_power M t n)

Monoid identity is unique.

Theorem monoid_identity_unique {T} {M : @Monoid T} e :
  ( x, mu M x e = x) e = one M.
  destruct M.
  simpl in ×.
  destruct (H e).
  rewrite <- (H one0).
  rewrite monoid_left_one0.

Corollary monoid_identity_commutes {T} {M : @Monoid T} :
    mu M a (one M) = mu M (one M) a.
  rewrite monoid_left_one.
  rewrite monoid_right_one.

Monoid homomorphisms.

Magma homomorphisms that also preserve identity.
Record MonoidHomomorphism {A B} (M : @Monoid A) (N : @Monoid B) :=
  { monoid_hom :> @MagmaHomomorphism A B M N;
    monoid_hom_id_law : magma_hom M N monoid_hom (one M) = one N

Composition of maps.

Program Definition monoid_hom_composition
        {T U V : Type}
        {A : @Monoid T}
        {B : @Monoid U}
        {C : @Monoid V}
        (map1 : MonoidHomomorphism A B)
        (map2 : MonoidHomomorphism B C) :
  MonoidHomomorphism A C :=
  {| monoid_hom :=
       {| magma_hom := fun a (magma_hom B C map2) ((magma_hom A B map1) a)
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite magma_hom_law.
  rewrite magma_hom_law.
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite monoid_hom_id_law0.
  rewrite monoid_hom_id_law1.

Equality of maps, assuming proof irrelevance.

Theorem monoid_hom_eq : A B F G (M N : MonoidHomomorphism F G),
    @monoid_hom A B F G M = @monoid_hom A B F G N
    M = N.
  destruct M, N.
  simpl in ×.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Associativity of composition of maps.

Program Definition monoid_hom_composition_assoc
        {T : Type}
        {A B C D : @Monoid T}
        (f : MonoidHomomorphism A B)
        (g : MonoidHomomorphism B C)
        (h : MonoidHomomorphism C D) :
  monoid_hom_composition f (monoid_hom_composition g h) =
  monoid_hom_composition (monoid_hom_composition f g) h.
  destruct f, g, h.
  apply monoid_hom_eq.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Identity map.

Program Definition monoid_hom_id
        {A : Type}
        {M : @Monoid A} :
  MonoidHomomorphism M M :=
  {| monoid_hom := {| magma_hom := fun a a |} |}.