Library CT.Language.Dyck

Dyck Language
This module is just a lightweight toy implementation of the Dyck language, just for messing around. It isn't per-se related to category theory, although later on we can formalize some things in relation to the bicyclic semigroup and the Dyck syntactic monoid, if we get that far.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Import ListNotations.

Inductive paren := l | r.

Definition word := list paren.

Inductive Dyck : word Prop :=
| dEpsilon : Dyck nil
| dInd : w x, Dyck w Dyck x Dyck ([l] ++ w ++ [r] ++ x).

Example l_r_ex : Dyck ([l; r]).
  apply (dInd [] []).
  apply dEpsilon.
  apply dEpsilon.

Theorem dyck_must_start_l : w,
    Dyck w
      match w with
      | nilTrue
      | cons c _c = l
  induction H.