Library CT.Algebra.PointedSet

Require Import Coq.Program.Tactics.
Require Import ProofIrrelevance.
Set Primitive Projections.

Record PointedSet {set : Type} :=
  { basepoint : set

Point-preserving maps.

Let \((X, x)\) and \((Y, y)\) be pointed sets. Then a point-preserving map between them is a function \(f : (X, x) \to (Y, y)\). That is, a function from \(X \to Y\) such that \(f(x) = y\).
Record PointPreservingMap {A B} (X : @PointedSet A) (Y : @PointedSet B) :=
  { point_pres_map : A B;
    point_pres_law : point_pres_map (basepoint X) = (basepoint Y)

Here's an alternative definition using Sigma types.
Definition PointedSet' := existT (fun basepoint':Typebasepoint').

And a proof that the two definitions are isomorphic.
Definition NonprimeToPrime {A} (x : @PointedSet A) := PointedSet' A (basepoint x).

Definition PrimeToNonprime (x : {basepoint' : Type & basepoint'}) : @PointedSet (projT1 x) :=
  {| basepoint := (projT2 x) |}.

Theorem id1 :
   A x,
    PrimeToNonprime (@NonprimeToPrime A x) = id x.

Theorem id2 :
    NonprimeToPrime (PrimeToNonprime x) = id x.
  destruct x.

Equality of point-preserving maps, assuming proof irrelevance.

Theorem ppm_eq : A B F G (N M : PointPreservingMap F G),
    @point_pres_map A B F G N = @point_pres_map A B F G M
    N = M.
  destruct N, M.
  simpl in ×.
  apply proof_irrelevance.

Composition of point-preserving maps.

Program Definition ppm_composition
        {T U V : Type}
        {A : @PointedSet T}
        {B : @PointedSet U}
        {C : @PointedSet V}
        (map1 : PointPreservingMap A B)
        (map2 : PointPreservingMap B C) :
  PointPreservingMap A C :=
  {| point_pres_map := fun a (point_pres_map B C map2) ((point_pres_map A B map1) a) |}.
Next Obligation.
  destruct A, B, C, map1, map2.
  simpl in ×.
  rewrite point_pres_law0.

Identity point-preserving map.

Program Definition ppm_id
        {T : Type}
        {A : @PointedSet T} :
  PointPreservingMap A A :=
  {| point_pres_map := fun a a |}.

Association of composition of point-preserving maps.

Program Definition ppm_composition_assoc
        {T : Type}
        {A B C D : @PointedSet T}
        (f : PointPreservingMap A B)
        (g : PointPreservingMap B C)
        (h : PointPreservingMap C D) :
  ppm_composition f (ppm_composition g h) =
  ppm_composition (ppm_composition f g) h.
  destruct f, g, h.
  apply ppm_eq.