Library CT.Algebra.BooleanAlgebra

Require Import CT.Algebra.Lattice.
Require Import CT.Order.PartiallyOrderedSet.
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Setoid.

Boolean Algebras

There are many equivalent definitions of a boolean algebra, but the one we take builds on our definition of a Lattice. In this definition, a BooleanAlgebra is a Lattice with an additional function notB which is an endomorphism over the carrier set that satisfies:
  • le (meet a b) c iff le a (join (notB b) c)
We use notB instead of not so as not to conflict with not : Prop Prop.

Record BooleanAlgebra :=
  { L :> Lattice;
    notB : element L element L;
    condB : a b c : element L,
        le (poset L) (meet L a b) c le (poset L) a (join L (notB b) c)